NEW Badass AleHorn T-Shirts: Intro discount – tell us what you think!

NEW Badass AleHorn T-Shirts: Intro discount – tell us what you think!

Because there are still a couple of places where drinking is frowned upon but t-shirts are always welcome (and classy, obviously), we’d really like to put some badass AleHorn t-shirt up for sale on our site. But how, oh how, do we decide which ones you guys will like?

While we at first considered rolling a die (too random, plus no such thing as a D3) or maybe even visiting an ancient Seer (not enough airline points, plus no time machine), but then someone suggested just asking you guys, and we all thought – I guess it’s worth a shot. Consulting the Internet – what could possibly go wrong?

Luckily, we’re not asking you guys to name this guy – we just want to know which shirts you want!

So, here goes nothing. What do you guys think of our new shirt designs?

Check out our five choices, then comment on this post to tell us what you think of our new designs. Is there a color you’d like that’s not available?

Is there any other AleHorn apparel you’d like to see? Tell us that too!

The shirts will be discounted on Amazon for a limited time.

If you like them, get them now!

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NEW Badass AleHorn T-Shirts: Intro discount – tell us what you think!